Sunday, January 26, 2020

Security Issues in Peer-to-peer Networking

Security Issues in Peer-to-peer Networking ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The interest in the field of networking, driven me to take the computer networking as my course in M.Sc. there are many different types of networks. Out of them the more popularized and upcoming trend of networks are peer-to-peer networks. This report of my final dissertation for the partial fulfilment of my M.Sc, computer networking, would not have been possible without the support of my supervisor, Mr. Harry Benetatos. He helped me a lot by guiding me and pin-pointing the key mistakes which I have done during my research. My course leader Mr. Nicholas Ioannides also helped me a lot to complete this dissertation. His advises and suggestions gave me a lot of encouragement and support which made me do this research and finish it in time. I am very thankful to my university, LONDON METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY which provided me the free access to the IEEE library which helped me to find the key papers which are very useful for my research. I also thank my parents for their support given to me in all walks of my life. DEDICATION: I dedicate this report to my parents and my well wisher Sakshi for their constant support and encouragement throughout my education and life. CHAPTER 1 PROJECT INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT: This dissertation is all about the security issues in the peer-to-peer networks. There are many security issues in peer-to-peer networks. I have chosen to do research on worm intrusions in peer-to-peer networks. In this document I have mentioned how the worm propagates in the network from one peer to another peer, how the worm can be detected and how the detected worm can be attacked and save the network from getting infected. 1.2 AIM: Security issue in Peer-to-peer networks: Securing the peer-to-peer network from worms.   1.3 OBJECTIVES: Ø To understand how the peers communicate with each other in the peer-to-peer network Ø To analyse the propagation of worms in the network. Ø To detect the worms near the nodes of the network Ø To defence the worms in the network. 1.4 RESEARCH QUESTION: This document briefly discusses about how the worms propagates in the network and how can it be detected and attacked in order to save the peer-to-peer network 1.5 APPROACH: My approach for this dissertation is as follows: Ø Understanding peer-to-peer networks Ø Defining the problem Ø Data collection and analysis Ø Study and understanding the existing solutions for the problem Ø Comparing different solutions Ø conclusion 1.6 METHODOLOGY: This section of my document contains what important steps to be followed in order to achieve the mentioned objectives. It also helps to schedule how to develop and complete different parts of the dissertation. In this dissertation firstly I will study and understand about the peer-to-peer networks and how the peers in the networks communicate and share information with the remaining peer in the network. Then I do research on how the worm propagates in the network, how can the worm be detected and how the detected worm can be attacked and restore the network.   In the pictorial form the different stages of my dissertation are 1.7 PREVIEW ABOUT THE COMING CHAPTERS IN THE REPORT: The rest of the report is organised as follows: in the chapter 2, there is brief discussion about the peer-to-peer networks, different types of peer-to-peer networks, advantages and disadvantages of the peer-to-peer networks. There is also some information about the worms, its nature and different types of worms. In chapter 3, there is a discussion about the methods given by the different person to detect the worm in the network by the method of matching the characteristic string of the worm. In section 4, there is a solution for this issue. That is mathematical method of detecting the worm in the network and defending it. Chapter 5 consists of a critical appraisal and suggestions for the further work. Finally, I concluded in chapter 6. CHAPTER 2 OVERVIEW OF THE GENERIC AREA AND IDENTIFICATION OF PROBLEM: 2.1 NETWORK: Network is a group of electronic devices which are connected to each other in order to communicate which each other.   The devices can be computers, laptops, printers etc. networks can be wired or wireless. Wired networks are networks in which the devices are connected with the help of wires. Wireless networks are the networks in which the devices are connected without the wires. There are many different types of networks and peer-to-peer is one of the important and special types of networks. 2.2 PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKS: Peer-to-peer networks are emerged in 1990 because of the development of the peer-to-peer file sharing like Napster [1].   Peer-to-peer networks abbreviated as p2p networks are the networks in which all the nodes or peers in the network acts as servers as well as clients on demand. This is unlike typical client server model, in which the clients requests the services and server supplies the resources. But in case of peer-to-peer networks every node in the networks requests services like a client and every node will supply the resources like server on demand. Peer-to-peer network doesn’t need any centralized server coordination.   Peer-to-peer network is scalable. Addition of new nodes to the network or removal of already existing nodes on the network doesn’t affect the network. That means addition or removal of nodes can be done dynamically. All the nodes connected in a peer-to-peer network run on the same network protocol and software. Resources available on a node in the network are available to the remaining nodes of the network and they can access this information easily. Peer-to-peer networks provide robustness and scalability. All the wired and wireless networks can be configured as peer-to-peer networks. Home networks and small enterprise networks are preferable to configure in a peer-to-peer networks. Most the networks are not pure peer-to-peer networks because of they use some network interface devices. In the beginning, the information is stored at all the nodes by making a copy of it. But this increases the flow of traffic in the network. But now, a centralised system is maintained by the network and the requests are directed to the nodes which contains the relevant information. This will save the time and the traffic flow in the network. 2.3 WIRELESS NETWORKS: Devices connected to each other without any wires can also be configured like peer-to-peer networks. In a case of small of number of devices it is preferable to configure the network in wireless peer-to-peer networks because it will be easy to share the data in both the directions. It is even cheaper to connect the networks in wireless peer-to-peer because we do not need to spend on the wires. Peer-to-peer networks are divided into three types. They are: Instant messaging networks Collaborative networks Affinity community networks[2] Instant messaging networks: In this type of peer-to-peer networks, the users can chat with each other in real time by installing some software such as MSN messenger, AOL instant messenger etc. Collaborative networks: This type of peer-to-peer networks are also called as distributed computing.   This is widely used in the field of science and biotechnology where the intense computer processing is needed. Affinity community peer-to-peer networks: It is a type of p2p network, where the group of devices are connected only for the purpose of sharing the data among them. Peer to peer networks are basically classified into two types. They are: Ø Structured peer-to-peer networks Ø Unstructured peer-to-peer networks 2.4 STRUCTURED PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKS: In the structured peer-to-peer nodes connected in the network are fixed. They use distributed hashing table (DHT) for indexing [4]. In DHT data is stored in the form of hash table like (key, value). Any node willing to retrieve the data can easily do that using the keys. The mapping of values to the keys are maintained by all the nodes present in the network such that there will be very less disruption in case of change in the set of participants DHT-based networks are very efficient in retrieving the resources. 2.5 UNSTRUCTURED PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKS: In unstructured p2p network nodes are established arbitrarily. There are three types of unstructured p2p networks. They are Pure peer-to-peer Hybrid peer-to-peer Centralized peer-to-peer In Pure p2p networks all the nodes in the network are equal. There won’t be any preferred node with special infrastructure function. In hybrid p2p networks there will be a special node called â€Å"supernodes† [3] . This supernode can be any node in the network depending on the momentary need of the network. Centralized p2p network is a type of hybrid network in which there will be one central system which manages the network. The network cannot be able to work without this centralized system Basically, all the nodes in the peer-to-peer networks contain the information of the neighbour in its routing table. The rate of propagation of worms in the peer-to-peer networks is larger than compared to the other networks. This is because the information of the neighbour peers can easily achieved from the routing table of the infected node. Different types of files are shared between the nodes in the peer-to-peer networks. These files can be the audio files, video files, music files, text documents, books; articles etc. there are a lot of peer-to-peer software available these days in the market for sharing the files. Some of them are bittorrent, limeware, shareaza, kazaa, Imesh, bearshare Lite, eMule, KCeasy, Ares Galaxy, Soulseek, WinMX, Piolet, Gnutella, Overnet, Azureus (vuze), FrostWire, uTorrent, Morpheus, Ants, Acquisition[5]. There are lot more file sharing softwares in the market but these are the top 20 file sharing softwares for peer-to-peer networks. Basically, all the nodes connected together in the network should configure with the same network protocol and the same software should be installed in all the nodes in order to communicate with each other. Else the nodes in the network cannot communicate if they are configured with the different software or protocol. 2.6 ADVANTAGES OF PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKS [6]: It is more useful for the small business network comprising of very small number of computer systems or devices. Computers in this network can be configured easily. Full time network administrator is not required for the p2p networks. Easy maintenance of the network. Only a single operating system and less number of cables needed to get connected Can be installed easily Users can control the shared resources Distributed nature of the network increases the robustness of the network. 2.7 DISADVANTAGES OF THE PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKS [12]: No centralised administration Back-up should be performed on the each computer individually. Peer-to-peer networks are not secure Every computer in the network behaves as server and client which can slow down the performance of the system Legal controversy with the copyrights. 2.8 WORM: Worm is a computer malware program or it can be called as a mischievous code which can multiple itself   into several replicas or it duplicate itself into several copies. Worm in simple can be called as â€Å"autonomous intrusion agent† [19] .It doesn’t actually alters the function of the system but it pass through i.e., worm is unlike virus.   It intrudes the network without the mediation of the user. This is first detected by Robert T Morris in 1988[18]. Today we have some billions of systems connected to internet. Bu during 1988 there were only 60,000 systems connected to the internet. During that period 10% of the internet systems i.e., 6000 of the systems are infected and almost clogged because of the worms [8]. Worms when enters the system it hides in the operating system where it cannot be noticeable [18] . It drastically slows down the system the effect the other programs in the system. In worst cases it could even effect the entire network and slow down the internet across whole world. As it is said earlier that it replicates itself into multiple copies and attach itself to the emails and corrupt them and sometimes deleting the file without the user interaction. If it enters our email, it can able to send itself to all the contacts in our email book and then to all the contacts of the emails of our email book and likewise it propagates, grow and spread at the higher rate. Worms will even create the â€Å"backdoor† into the computer [11]. This will make the attackers to send spam easily. Some famous worms discovered in 2003 and 2004 are â€Å"Mydoom†, â€Å" Sobig† and â€Å"Sasser†[7].   â€Å"Sasser† worm has recently affected the computers which are using Windows 2000 or Windows XP operating system. It restarts the system automatically and crashes it. It is spread to all the nodes in the network. There are some worms which are unlike the normal worms. These worms are very useful to the user some times. Hence, these are called the â€Å"helpful worms† [9]. Sometimes they help users without the interaction with the user. But most of the known worms are harmful and will always tries to infect the nodes in the network and affect the performance of the network. When the peer-to-peer networks are attacked by the worms, it slows down the efficiency of the network. So there is a need to save the networks from entering into the network and spreading itself all over the network. The worms should be detected and defended. If we delay in defending these worms, they replicate itself and makes many copies of itself and spread all through the network. This is very dangerous to the network as it affects the performance and efficiency of the network [10]. CHAPTER 3 RELEVANT WORK DONE BY OTHERS IN ORDER TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM: Many people proposed solutions to this problem. First Zhou L gave solution to p2p worm and he observed that propagation of worm in p2p network is very speed when compared to other networks[13] . Jayanthkumar performed some simulations on worm propagation from infected node to other node[10]. Wei yu researched on the behaviour of worms in p2p networks[14]. In my research I found one more interesting method of detecting the worms in the peer-to-peer network. This is indeed a special method of detecting the worms in network because the authors Yu Yao, Yong Li, Fu-xiang Gao, Ge Yu in their paper titled â€Å"A Signature-behaviour-based P2P worm detection approach† they proposed a mechanism of detecting the known worms in the peer-to-peer networks based on characteristic string matching. Worm make use of vulnerabilities in the network and +Spreads[15]. They also proposed the detection mechanism for the unknown worms based on their behaviour. They technique mainly consists of the te chnology of characteristic string matching, identifying the application and the unknown worm detection technology. They have given the algorithm for the matching the characteristics string of the worm called suffix-tree algorithm- suffix array algorithm. This is efficient and simple with very less time complexity. As peer-to-peer network follows fragment transfer technique there is chance of assigning the characteristics string of the worm to the other blocks of data. And again during the reorganisation process this characteristic string can identify the worm. These authors even validated their results by simulation. They proved that their method is also one of the efficient methods of p2p worm detection. As mentioned above this method detects the known worm and also the unknown worms based on characteristic string matching and their behaviour respectively. In this method they initially capture the network packets using the library function called â€Å"LibPcap†. â€Å"LibPcap† is the library function that captures the network packets in UNIX and Linux platforms. This function contains many functions that will be useful for capturing the network packets. After capturing the data packets with help of these functions the non-P2P packets are filtered out. So now the P2P packets are filtered. In these P2P packets the known worms are detected by using the characteristic string matching. This is implemented by the couple of algorithms. They are the â€Å"suffix array algorithm† and the â€Å"dichotomy algorithm†. These algorithms are very accurate and are capable of detecting the worms in very less time. As I mentioned above peer-to-peer networks follow fragment transfer mechanism. Hence the characteristic string of the worm can be assigned to the other blocks of data. So, in this situation it is difficult to detect the worm if the characteristic string of the worm is based on the single packet. But if the characteristic string is present in the block then there is a chance of detecting the worm because it will assign it to the two packets. At this time the worm characteristic string present in the two different data packets need to restructure. After restructuring, the worm can be detected by using the matching mechanism. In this way the known worm in the network is detected by using the characteristic string matching. The unknown worms in the p2p network can be detected with the help of the act characteristics of the worm at the initial stage of its propagation. This can be called as the behaviour based detection of the unknown p2p worms. Like this all the known and unknown worms in the network are detected. 3.1 P2P KNOWN WORM DETECTION: There are four steps in detecting the p2p known worms. They are: Deal flow Technology of identifying the application Characteristic string matching Reorganising the characteristic string 3.1.1 DEAL FLOW: In this step of deal flow the flow of data is divided into four steps[16]. Step 1: Extracting the p2p data stream from the original data stream. Step 2: check the extracted p2p data stream for worms using characteristic string matching with the worms already existing in the library function. Step 3: data is flow is reorganised. It now contains worm characteristic string as well. Go to step 2. Step 4: check the data flow for unknown worms using unknown worm detection techniques. After performing the four steps update the library function. All the four steps is represented   pictorially as in the next page. Figure 4: flow chart representing four steps to detect worms   yes    normal  Ã‚  Normal no  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Abnormal abnormal 3.1.2 TECHNOLOGY OF IDENTIFYING THE APPLICATION: As said earlier, this paper uses the method of capturing the data packets and sca it for the worms which are known with the help of a function library called â€Å"LibPcap†[17] . For this there should be already some assigned rules in the network interface devices. So assigning these rules to those devices is done in stepwise procedure as: Identify the available network interface devices Open the network interface device Compile the rules that we are willing to attach to the devices Setup the rules of filtering to the device Now operate the equipment Start the process of capturing the packets There are some rules for identifying the p2p application. They are: Characteristic information of the known p2p is used Sometimes, if source-destination IP pairs don’t use the known P2P and they may use TCP and UDP at same time, then they are p2p. At a particular time source pairs {srcIP, srcport}[27] and the destination pairs {dstIP, dstport}[27] are checked Here we can identify whether it’s a p2p or not. If the number of connection port is equal to the number of connection IP, then we can say that it is a p2p. There are the situations where these rules have been used unruly. So the there were some amendments made to these rules. The amendments are rule (2) can identify even the mazes which are present and rule (3) is modified in such a way that in the detect cycle {srcIP, srcport}[27] pairs at the source and the {dstIP,   dstport }[27] pairs at the destination are checked. From this they derived that if the number of connection port is equal to the number of connection IP, the protocols which are used are same. If they are different then the protocols are different. 3.1.3 CHARACTERISTIC STRING MATCHING: This is the most important section of the paper. Here authors have given some definitions to the terms which we are going to use, the algorithms which we are going to use to detect the worm. Couple of algorithms are mentioned. They are suffix-array algorithm and the dichotomy algorithm. So the entire process of detecting the worm depends on the efficiency and the accuracy of these algorithms. First of all before using and understanding suffix-array algorithm we will try to understand some keywords and rules. Suffix: suffix is the part of a string or a substring which starts at a particular location to the end of the string. If a suffix in the string S starts at the location ‘i’ to the end of the string S, then the suffix can be represented as Suffix(i)=S[i,Len(S) ][27] . Let us understand how the strings can be compared. The comparison in this paper followed â€Å"dictionary comparison† If u and v are the two different strings. Comparing the strings u and v is same like comparing u[i] and v[i], where ‘i’ starts with the value 1. Ø Here string u is equal to string v i.e., u=v when u[i]=v[i] Ø String u is greater then string v i.e., u>v when u[i]>v[i] Ø String u is less than string v i.e., u But the results were still not obtained for i>len(u) or i>len(v) Also if len(u)>len(v) then u >v, if len(u) Suffix-array: suffix-array is denoted by SA. It is a one-dimensional array. It is an array of SA[1], S[2], SA[3],†¦. And so on. Here s[i] Rank-array: rank-array is nothing but SA-1. If SA[i]=j, then Rank[j]=i. we can say that the rank[i] saves the rank of Suffix(i) in an ascending order for all the suffixes. In this paper the author has taken the example of string â€Å"science† and explained everything clearly. The string â€Å"science† can generate seven suffixes. They are: Suffix(1): science Suffix(2): cience Suffix(3): ience Suffix(4): ence Suffix(5): nce Suffix(6): ce Suffix(7): e When we sort out everything in a dictionary order it will be in the order as follow Suffix(6)= ce Suffix(2)= cience Suffix(7)= e Suffix(4)= ence Suffix(3)= ience Suffix(5)= nce Suffix(1)= science Suffix-array algorithm follows multiplier ideas. Firstly get SA1 and Rank1 by comparing every character in the string. Comparing string is similar to comparing the every character sequentially. So by comparing every character, SA1 and Rank1 can derive SA2 and Rank2. And this SA2 and Rank2 will derive SA4 and Rank4. And this will again derive SA8 and Rank8. So finally suffix-array and rank-array are derived from this process. The main process of the suffix-array algorithm is Ø Calculating SA1 and Rank1. Firstly all the suffixes are arranged in the first letter order and then suffix-array (SA1) is generated by using quick sorry algorithm and then Rank1 is also generated. Ø Comparing 2k-prefix Suffix(i) and Suffix(j) using SAk and Rankk. 2k-Suffix(i) = 2k-Suffixes(j), this is equivalent to Rankk[SAk[i]] = Rankk[SAk[j]] and Rankk[SAk[i+k]] = Rankk[SAk[j+k]] 2k-Suffix(i) Suffix-array algorithm is a sorting algorithm which sorts out the characteristic string. So, this uses binary search algorithm. The algorithm follows Step 1: in the first step values are assigned like left=1, right=n and max_match=0 Step 2: the middle value i.e., mid= (left +right)/2. Step 3: comparing the characters corresponding to Suffix (SA[mid]) and P. the longest public prefix r can be helpful in implantation and comparison. If r > max_match, then max_match=r. Step 4: if Suffix(SA[mid])   If Suffix(SA[mid])>P, then right=mid-1   If Suffix(SA[mid])=P, then go to step 6 Step 5: if left Step 6: if max_match= m, then print â€Å"match is successful†. 3.1.4 REORGANISING THE CHARACTERISTIC STRING: In this step the characteristic string is reorganised. If the character string is divided into two different data blocks, then the data block with the partial characteristic string is stored. Basically, all the information about the data block like index, beginning offset, length of the block and so on are contained at the head of the each block. Here a structure piece is defined which consists of index of the block, beginning offset of the block offset, length of the character array head and the length of the character array end[18]. Initially each and every data packet is compared with the characteristic string for matching. If it is matched then the warning or an alert is sent to all the users about the worm. Here if the tail of the characteristic string of the worm matches with the head of the data block, then it will be stored in the character array end. And if the head of the characteristic string of the worm matches with the tail of the data block then it is stored in the corr esponding character array head. Suppose if the neighbouring data block contains a partial characteristic string of the worm then the neighbour string in the array head as well as in the end will be reorganised. Now this reorganised string will again perform the characteristic string matching and if any worm is detected then again the warning is sent to all users saying that the worm have found. If it is not matched then it won’t perform any operation. If in a case that the characteristic string is present in the block but is divided into two different data packets, then a special term called â€Å"character array† is introduced. First the matching mechanism is performed in both the data packet. If the matching characteristic string is found then the warning is sent to the users that there is a worm present. But if only part of the characteristic string is found then it will be enough if it meets some of the requirements like the head of the data packet should match wit h the tail of the characteristic string or the tail of the data packet should match with the head of the characteristic string. But if these conditions are not satisfied then no operation is performed. Now, if the tail of the data packet contains the partial characteristic string then the data packet is stored in the array. If the length of the characteristic string is m, then the Array[m] is set as ’’. And if the head of the data packet contains a part of the characteristic string then that data packet is stored in the n consecutive units of array. Finally, this array will be the characteristic string matching and if the worm is detected then the warning is sent to all the users. If it is not matched then nothing is done. 3.2 DETECTING UNKNOWN P2P WORM: In the above section we have seen how the known worm is detected. But that algorithm or mechanism are meant to detect the unknown p2p worms. So here in this section we will understand how the unknown worms can be detected and restrain the network. As we know in p2p networks a node can able to send the information to multiple hosts at a same time. Anyhow same protocol is used by all the nodes in the network[27]. These characteristics of the network helps worm to propagate easily. As we discussed above, only the known worms can be detected by using the characteristic string matching method. Here we will see how the unknown worms can be detected. The unknown worms are detected based on the behaviour of the node. Some of the detection rules are: same content files are transferred to multiple hosts in a very short time. Same protocol is used and the destination port is same. If these rules are satisfies by the source port then it allows the p2p worm to propagate. Now, it is necessary to e xtract the characteristics of worm near the worm propagation nodes. When these characteristics are extracted, they are added to the feature library. This data similarity comparison and extracting the characteristics are done using the LCSeq algorithm. But the LCSeq algorithm based on generalized suffix tree (GST) is the more efficient. The overall idea is that all the suffixes are represented as a tree. And this tree will have some characteristics like: Ø Every node in a tree is a string and root is the empty string Ø Every suffix can be represented as a path from the root. Ø Every substring can be considered as a prefix of a suffix. Ø To achieve the searching public sub sequence, every node should be set the information of its subordinate source string. 3.3 EXPERIMENT: We know that the worm body tries to infect the other nodes in the network by sending the worm to the specific ports of p2p node. So here the author tried to prove the efficiency of his method by performing an experiment. In this experiment he prepared a multiple group worm body and sent it repeatedly at regular intervals of time. Then he captured these packets and extracted their characteristics and compared it with the one that already exist in the feature library. P2p worm is detected separately using different algorithms like BF algorithm, KMP algorithm and suffix-array algorithm and compared their results doing three experiments. In the experiment 1, worm characteristics are in the same packet.. in the experiment Security Issues in Peer-to-peer Networking Security Issues in Peer-to-peer Networking ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The interest in the field of networking, driven me to take the computer networking as my course in M.Sc. there are many different types of networks. Out of them the more popularized and upcoming trend of networks are peer-to-peer networks. This report of my final dissertation for the partial fulfilment of my M.Sc, computer networking, would not have been possible without the support of my supervisor, Mr. Harry Benetatos. He helped me a lot by guiding me and pin-pointing the key mistakes which I have done during my research. My course leader Mr. Nicholas Ioannides also helped me a lot to complete this dissertation. His advises and suggestions gave me a lot of encouragement and support which made me do this research and finish it in time. I am very thankful to my university, LONDON METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY which provided me the free access to the IEEE library which helped me to find the key papers which are very useful for my research. I also thank my parents for their support given to me in all walks of my life. DEDICATION: I dedicate this report to my parents and my well wisher Sakshi for their constant support and encouragement throughout my education and life. CHAPTER 1 PROJECT INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT: This dissertation is all about the security issues in the peer-to-peer networks. There are many security issues in peer-to-peer networks. I have chosen to do research on worm intrusions in peer-to-peer networks. In this document I have mentioned how the worm propagates in the network from one peer to another peer, how the worm can be detected and how the detected worm can be attacked and save the network from getting infected. 1.2 AIM: Security issue in Peer-to-peer networks: Securing the peer-to-peer network from worms.   1.3 OBJECTIVES: Ø To understand how the peers communicate with each other in the peer-to-peer network Ø To analyse the propagation of worms in the network. Ø To detect the worms near the nodes of the network Ø To defence the worms in the network. 1.4 RESEARCH QUESTION: This document briefly discusses about how the worms propagates in the network and how can it be detected and attacked in order to save the peer-to-peer network 1.5 APPROACH: My approach for this dissertation is as follows: Ø Understanding peer-to-peer networks Ø Defining the problem Ø Data collection and analysis Ø Study and understanding the existing solutions for the problem Ø Comparing different solutions Ø conclusion 1.6 METHODOLOGY: This section of my document contains what important steps to be followed in order to achieve the mentioned objectives. It also helps to schedule how to develop and complete different parts of the dissertation. In this dissertation firstly I will study and understand about the peer-to-peer networks and how the peers in the networks communicate and share information with the remaining peer in the network. Then I do research on how the worm propagates in the network, how can the worm be detected and how the detected worm can be attacked and restore the network.   In the pictorial form the different stages of my dissertation are 1.7 PREVIEW ABOUT THE COMING CHAPTERS IN THE REPORT: The rest of the report is organised as follows: in the chapter 2, there is brief discussion about the peer-to-peer networks, different types of peer-to-peer networks, advantages and disadvantages of the peer-to-peer networks. There is also some information about the worms, its nature and different types of worms. In chapter 3, there is a discussion about the methods given by the different person to detect the worm in the network by the method of matching the characteristic string of the worm. In section 4, there is a solution for this issue. That is mathematical method of detecting the worm in the network and defending it. Chapter 5 consists of a critical appraisal and suggestions for the further work. Finally, I concluded in chapter 6. CHAPTER 2 OVERVIEW OF THE GENERIC AREA AND IDENTIFICATION OF PROBLEM: 2.1 NETWORK: Network is a group of electronic devices which are connected to each other in order to communicate which each other.   The devices can be computers, laptops, printers etc. networks can be wired or wireless. Wired networks are networks in which the devices are connected with the help of wires. Wireless networks are the networks in which the devices are connected without the wires. There are many different types of networks and peer-to-peer is one of the important and special types of networks. 2.2 PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKS: Peer-to-peer networks are emerged in 1990 because of the development of the peer-to-peer file sharing like Napster [1].   Peer-to-peer networks abbreviated as p2p networks are the networks in which all the nodes or peers in the network acts as servers as well as clients on demand. This is unlike typical client server model, in which the clients requests the services and server supplies the resources. But in case of peer-to-peer networks every node in the networks requests services like a client and every node will supply the resources like server on demand. Peer-to-peer network doesn’t need any centralized server coordination.   Peer-to-peer network is scalable. Addition of new nodes to the network or removal of already existing nodes on the network doesn’t affect the network. That means addition or removal of nodes can be done dynamically. All the nodes connected in a peer-to-peer network run on the same network protocol and software. Resources available on a node in the network are available to the remaining nodes of the network and they can access this information easily. Peer-to-peer networks provide robustness and scalability. All the wired and wireless networks can be configured as peer-to-peer networks. Home networks and small enterprise networks are preferable to configure in a peer-to-peer networks. Most the networks are not pure peer-to-peer networks because of they use some network interface devices. In the beginning, the information is stored at all the nodes by making a copy of it. But this increases the flow of traffic in the network. But now, a centralised system is maintained by the network and the requests are directed to the nodes which contains the relevant information. This will save the time and the traffic flow in the network. 2.3 WIRELESS NETWORKS: Devices connected to each other without any wires can also be configured like peer-to-peer networks. In a case of small of number of devices it is preferable to configure the network in wireless peer-to-peer networks because it will be easy to share the data in both the directions. It is even cheaper to connect the networks in wireless peer-to-peer because we do not need to spend on the wires. Peer-to-peer networks are divided into three types. They are: Instant messaging networks Collaborative networks Affinity community networks[2] Instant messaging networks: In this type of peer-to-peer networks, the users can chat with each other in real time by installing some software such as MSN messenger, AOL instant messenger etc. Collaborative networks: This type of peer-to-peer networks are also called as distributed computing.   This is widely used in the field of science and biotechnology where the intense computer processing is needed. Affinity community peer-to-peer networks: It is a type of p2p network, where the group of devices are connected only for the purpose of sharing the data among them. Peer to peer networks are basically classified into two types. They are: Ø Structured peer-to-peer networks Ø Unstructured peer-to-peer networks 2.4 STRUCTURED PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKS: In the structured peer-to-peer nodes connected in the network are fixed. They use distributed hashing table (DHT) for indexing [4]. In DHT data is stored in the form of hash table like (key, value). Any node willing to retrieve the data can easily do that using the keys. The mapping of values to the keys are maintained by all the nodes present in the network such that there will be very less disruption in case of change in the set of participants DHT-based networks are very efficient in retrieving the resources. 2.5 UNSTRUCTURED PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKS: In unstructured p2p network nodes are established arbitrarily. There are three types of unstructured p2p networks. They are Pure peer-to-peer Hybrid peer-to-peer Centralized peer-to-peer In Pure p2p networks all the nodes in the network are equal. There won’t be any preferred node with special infrastructure function. In hybrid p2p networks there will be a special node called â€Å"supernodes† [3] . This supernode can be any node in the network depending on the momentary need of the network. Centralized p2p network is a type of hybrid network in which there will be one central system which manages the network. The network cannot be able to work without this centralized system Basically, all the nodes in the peer-to-peer networks contain the information of the neighbour in its routing table. The rate of propagation of worms in the peer-to-peer networks is larger than compared to the other networks. This is because the information of the neighbour peers can easily achieved from the routing table of the infected node. Different types of files are shared between the nodes in the peer-to-peer networks. These files can be the audio files, video files, music files, text documents, books; articles etc. there are a lot of peer-to-peer software available these days in the market for sharing the files. Some of them are bittorrent, limeware, shareaza, kazaa, Imesh, bearshare Lite, eMule, KCeasy, Ares Galaxy, Soulseek, WinMX, Piolet, Gnutella, Overnet, Azureus (vuze), FrostWire, uTorrent, Morpheus, Ants, Acquisition[5]. There are lot more file sharing softwares in the market but these are the top 20 file sharing softwares for peer-to-peer networks. Basically, all the nodes connected together in the network should configure with the same network protocol and the same software should be installed in all the nodes in order to communicate with each other. Else the nodes in the network cannot communicate if they are configured with the different software or protocol. 2.6 ADVANTAGES OF PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKS [6]: It is more useful for the small business network comprising of very small number of computer systems or devices. Computers in this network can be configured easily. Full time network administrator is not required for the p2p networks. Easy maintenance of the network. Only a single operating system and less number of cables needed to get connected Can be installed easily Users can control the shared resources Distributed nature of the network increases the robustness of the network. 2.7 DISADVANTAGES OF THE PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKS [12]: No centralised administration Back-up should be performed on the each computer individually. Peer-to-peer networks are not secure Every computer in the network behaves as server and client which can slow down the performance of the system Legal controversy with the copyrights. 2.8 WORM: Worm is a computer malware program or it can be called as a mischievous code which can multiple itself   into several replicas or it duplicate itself into several copies. Worm in simple can be called as â€Å"autonomous intrusion agent† [19] .It doesn’t actually alters the function of the system but it pass through i.e., worm is unlike virus.   It intrudes the network without the mediation of the user. This is first detected by Robert T Morris in 1988[18]. Today we have some billions of systems connected to internet. Bu during 1988 there were only 60,000 systems connected to the internet. During that period 10% of the internet systems i.e., 6000 of the systems are infected and almost clogged because of the worms [8]. Worms when enters the system it hides in the operating system where it cannot be noticeable [18] . It drastically slows down the system the effect the other programs in the system. In worst cases it could even effect the entire network and slow down the internet across whole world. As it is said earlier that it replicates itself into multiple copies and attach itself to the emails and corrupt them and sometimes deleting the file without the user interaction. If it enters our email, it can able to send itself to all the contacts in our email book and then to all the contacts of the emails of our email book and likewise it propagates, grow and spread at the higher rate. Worms will even create the â€Å"backdoor† into the computer [11]. This will make the attackers to send spam easily. Some famous worms discovered in 2003 and 2004 are â€Å"Mydoom†, â€Å" Sobig† and â€Å"Sasser†[7].   â€Å"Sasser† worm has recently affected the computers which are using Windows 2000 or Windows XP operating system. It restarts the system automatically and crashes it. It is spread to all the nodes in the network. There are some worms which are unlike the normal worms. These worms are very useful to the user some times. Hence, these are called the â€Å"helpful worms† [9]. Sometimes they help users without the interaction with the user. But most of the known worms are harmful and will always tries to infect the nodes in the network and affect the performance of the network. When the peer-to-peer networks are attacked by the worms, it slows down the efficiency of the network. So there is a need to save the networks from entering into the network and spreading itself all over the network. The worms should be detected and defended. If we delay in defending these worms, they replicate itself and makes many copies of itself and spread all through the network. This is very dangerous to the network as it affects the performance and efficiency of the network [10]. CHAPTER 3 RELEVANT WORK DONE BY OTHERS IN ORDER TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM: Many people proposed solutions to this problem. First Zhou L gave solution to p2p worm and he observed that propagation of worm in p2p network is very speed when compared to other networks[13] . Jayanthkumar performed some simulations on worm propagation from infected node to other node[10]. Wei yu researched on the behaviour of worms in p2p networks[14]. In my research I found one more interesting method of detecting the worms in the peer-to-peer network. This is indeed a special method of detecting the worms in network because the authors Yu Yao, Yong Li, Fu-xiang Gao, Ge Yu in their paper titled â€Å"A Signature-behaviour-based P2P worm detection approach† they proposed a mechanism of detecting the known worms in the peer-to-peer networks based on characteristic string matching. Worm make use of vulnerabilities in the network and +Spreads[15]. They also proposed the detection mechanism for the unknown worms based on their behaviour. They technique mainly consists of the te chnology of characteristic string matching, identifying the application and the unknown worm detection technology. They have given the algorithm for the matching the characteristics string of the worm called suffix-tree algorithm- suffix array algorithm. This is efficient and simple with very less time complexity. As peer-to-peer network follows fragment transfer technique there is chance of assigning the characteristics string of the worm to the other blocks of data. And again during the reorganisation process this characteristic string can identify the worm. These authors even validated their results by simulation. They proved that their method is also one of the efficient methods of p2p worm detection. As mentioned above this method detects the known worm and also the unknown worms based on characteristic string matching and their behaviour respectively. In this method they initially capture the network packets using the library function called â€Å"LibPcap†. â€Å"LibPcap† is the library function that captures the network packets in UNIX and Linux platforms. This function contains many functions that will be useful for capturing the network packets. After capturing the data packets with help of these functions the non-P2P packets are filtered out. So now the P2P packets are filtered. In these P2P packets the known worms are detected by using the characteristic string matching. This is implemented by the couple of algorithms. They are the â€Å"suffix array algorithm† and the â€Å"dichotomy algorithm†. These algorithms are very accurate and are capable of detecting the worms in very less time. As I mentioned above peer-to-peer networks follow fragment transfer mechanism. Hence the characteristic string of the worm can be assigned to the other blocks of data. So, in this situation it is difficult to detect the worm if the characteristic string of the worm is based on the single packet. But if the characteristic string is present in the block then there is a chance of detecting the worm because it will assign it to the two packets. At this time the worm characteristic string present in the two different data packets need to restructure. After restructuring, the worm can be detected by using the matching mechanism. In this way the known worm in the network is detected by using the characteristic string matching. The unknown worms in the p2p network can be detected with the help of the act characteristics of the worm at the initial stage of its propagation. This can be called as the behaviour based detection of the unknown p2p worms. Like this all the known and unknown worms in the network are detected. 3.1 P2P KNOWN WORM DETECTION: There are four steps in detecting the p2p known worms. They are: Deal flow Technology of identifying the application Characteristic string matching Reorganising the characteristic string 3.1.1 DEAL FLOW: In this step of deal flow the flow of data is divided into four steps[16]. Step 1: Extracting the p2p data stream from the original data stream. Step 2: check the extracted p2p data stream for worms using characteristic string matching with the worms already existing in the library function. Step 3: data is flow is reorganised. It now contains worm characteristic string as well. Go to step 2. Step 4: check the data flow for unknown worms using unknown worm detection techniques. After performing the four steps update the library function. All the four steps is represented   pictorially as in the next page. Figure 4: flow chart representing four steps to detect worms   yes    normal  Ã‚  Normal no  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Abnormal abnormal 3.1.2 TECHNOLOGY OF IDENTIFYING THE APPLICATION: As said earlier, this paper uses the method of capturing the data packets and sca it for the worms which are known with the help of a function library called â€Å"LibPcap†[17] . For this there should be already some assigned rules in the network interface devices. So assigning these rules to those devices is done in stepwise procedure as: Identify the available network interface devices Open the network interface device Compile the rules that we are willing to attach to the devices Setup the rules of filtering to the device Now operate the equipment Start the process of capturing the packets There are some rules for identifying the p2p application. They are: Characteristic information of the known p2p is used Sometimes, if source-destination IP pairs don’t use the known P2P and they may use TCP and UDP at same time, then they are p2p. At a particular time source pairs {srcIP, srcport}[27] and the destination pairs {dstIP, dstport}[27] are checked Here we can identify whether it’s a p2p or not. If the number of connection port is equal to the number of connection IP, then we can say that it is a p2p. There are the situations where these rules have been used unruly. So the there were some amendments made to these rules. The amendments are rule (2) can identify even the mazes which are present and rule (3) is modified in such a way that in the detect cycle {srcIP, srcport}[27] pairs at the source and the {dstIP,   dstport }[27] pairs at the destination are checked. From this they derived that if the number of connection port is equal to the number of connection IP, the protocols which are used are same. If they are different then the protocols are different. 3.1.3 CHARACTERISTIC STRING MATCHING: This is the most important section of the paper. Here authors have given some definitions to the terms which we are going to use, the algorithms which we are going to use to detect the worm. Couple of algorithms are mentioned. They are suffix-array algorithm and the dichotomy algorithm. So the entire process of detecting the worm depends on the efficiency and the accuracy of these algorithms. First of all before using and understanding suffix-array algorithm we will try to understand some keywords and rules. Suffix: suffix is the part of a string or a substring which starts at a particular location to the end of the string. If a suffix in the string S starts at the location ‘i’ to the end of the string S, then the suffix can be represented as Suffix(i)=S[i,Len(S) ][27] . Let us understand how the strings can be compared. The comparison in this paper followed â€Å"dictionary comparison† If u and v are the two different strings. Comparing the strings u and v is same like comparing u[i] and v[i], where ‘i’ starts with the value 1. Ø Here string u is equal to string v i.e., u=v when u[i]=v[i] Ø String u is greater then string v i.e., u>v when u[i]>v[i] Ø String u is less than string v i.e., u But the results were still not obtained for i>len(u) or i>len(v) Also if len(u)>len(v) then u >v, if len(u) Suffix-array: suffix-array is denoted by SA. It is a one-dimensional array. It is an array of SA[1], S[2], SA[3],†¦. And so on. Here s[i] Rank-array: rank-array is nothing but SA-1. If SA[i]=j, then Rank[j]=i. we can say that the rank[i] saves the rank of Suffix(i) in an ascending order for all the suffixes. In this paper the author has taken the example of string â€Å"science† and explained everything clearly. The string â€Å"science† can generate seven suffixes. They are: Suffix(1): science Suffix(2): cience Suffix(3): ience Suffix(4): ence Suffix(5): nce Suffix(6): ce Suffix(7): e When we sort out everything in a dictionary order it will be in the order as follow Suffix(6)= ce Suffix(2)= cience Suffix(7)= e Suffix(4)= ence Suffix(3)= ience Suffix(5)= nce Suffix(1)= science Suffix-array algorithm follows multiplier ideas. Firstly get SA1 and Rank1 by comparing every character in the string. Comparing string is similar to comparing the every character sequentially. So by comparing every character, SA1 and Rank1 can derive SA2 and Rank2. And this SA2 and Rank2 will derive SA4 and Rank4. And this will again derive SA8 and Rank8. So finally suffix-array and rank-array are derived from this process. The main process of the suffix-array algorithm is Ø Calculating SA1 and Rank1. Firstly all the suffixes are arranged in the first letter order and then suffix-array (SA1) is generated by using quick sorry algorithm and then Rank1 is also generated. Ø Comparing 2k-prefix Suffix(i) and Suffix(j) using SAk and Rankk. 2k-Suffix(i) = 2k-Suffixes(j), this is equivalent to Rankk[SAk[i]] = Rankk[SAk[j]] and Rankk[SAk[i+k]] = Rankk[SAk[j+k]] 2k-Suffix(i) Suffix-array algorithm is a sorting algorithm which sorts out the characteristic string. So, this uses binary search algorithm. The algorithm follows Step 1: in the first step values are assigned like left=1, right=n and max_match=0 Step 2: the middle value i.e., mid= (left +right)/2. Step 3: comparing the characters corresponding to Suffix (SA[mid]) and P. the longest public prefix r can be helpful in implantation and comparison. If r > max_match, then max_match=r. Step 4: if Suffix(SA[mid])   If Suffix(SA[mid])>P, then right=mid-1   If Suffix(SA[mid])=P, then go to step 6 Step 5: if left Step 6: if max_match= m, then print â€Å"match is successful†. 3.1.4 REORGANISING THE CHARACTERISTIC STRING: In this step the characteristic string is reorganised. If the character string is divided into two different data blocks, then the data block with the partial characteristic string is stored. Basically, all the information about the data block like index, beginning offset, length of the block and so on are contained at the head of the each block. Here a structure piece is defined which consists of index of the block, beginning offset of the block offset, length of the character array head and the length of the character array end[18]. Initially each and every data packet is compared with the characteristic string for matching. If it is matched then the warning or an alert is sent to all the users about the worm. Here if the tail of the characteristic string of the worm matches with the head of the data block, then it will be stored in the character array end. And if the head of the characteristic string of the worm matches with the tail of the data block then it is stored in the corr esponding character array head. Suppose if the neighbouring data block contains a partial characteristic string of the worm then the neighbour string in the array head as well as in the end will be reorganised. Now this reorganised string will again perform the characteristic string matching and if any worm is detected then again the warning is sent to all users saying that the worm have found. If it is not matched then it won’t perform any operation. If in a case that the characteristic string is present in the block but is divided into two different data packets, then a special term called â€Å"character array† is introduced. First the matching mechanism is performed in both the data packet. If the matching characteristic string is found then the warning is sent to the users that there is a worm present. But if only part of the characteristic string is found then it will be enough if it meets some of the requirements like the head of the data packet should match wit h the tail of the characteristic string or the tail of the data packet should match with the head of the characteristic string. But if these conditions are not satisfied then no operation is performed. Now, if the tail of the data packet contains the partial characteristic string then the data packet is stored in the array. If the length of the characteristic string is m, then the Array[m] is set as ’’. And if the head of the data packet contains a part of the characteristic string then that data packet is stored in the n consecutive units of array. Finally, this array will be the characteristic string matching and if the worm is detected then the warning is sent to all the users. If it is not matched then nothing is done. 3.2 DETECTING UNKNOWN P2P WORM: In the above section we have seen how the known worm is detected. But that algorithm or mechanism are meant to detect the unknown p2p worms. So here in this section we will understand how the unknown worms can be detected and restrain the network. As we know in p2p networks a node can able to send the information to multiple hosts at a same time. Anyhow same protocol is used by all the nodes in the network[27]. These characteristics of the network helps worm to propagate easily. As we discussed above, only the known worms can be detected by using the characteristic string matching method. Here we will see how the unknown worms can be detected. The unknown worms are detected based on the behaviour of the node. Some of the detection rules are: same content files are transferred to multiple hosts in a very short time. Same protocol is used and the destination port is same. If these rules are satisfies by the source port then it allows the p2p worm to propagate. Now, it is necessary to e xtract the characteristics of worm near the worm propagation nodes. When these characteristics are extracted, they are added to the feature library. This data similarity comparison and extracting the characteristics are done using the LCSeq algorithm. But the LCSeq algorithm based on generalized suffix tree (GST) is the more efficient. The overall idea is that all the suffixes are represented as a tree. And this tree will have some characteristics like: Ø Every node in a tree is a string and root is the empty string Ø Every suffix can be represented as a path from the root. Ø Every substring can be considered as a prefix of a suffix. Ø To achieve the searching public sub sequence, every node should be set the information of its subordinate source string. 3.3 EXPERIMENT: We know that the worm body tries to infect the other nodes in the network by sending the worm to the specific ports of p2p node. So here the author tried to prove the efficiency of his method by performing an experiment. In this experiment he prepared a multiple group worm body and sent it repeatedly at regular intervals of time. Then he captured these packets and extracted their characteristics and compared it with the one that already exist in the feature library. P2p worm is detected separately using different algorithms like BF algorithm, KMP algorithm and suffix-array algorithm and compared their results doing three experiments. In the experiment 1, worm characteristics are in the same packet.. in the experiment

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Differences and Similarities of Christianity and Judaism Essay

Many people today still believe that Christianity and Judaism are both the same religion. This is not so, despite the fact that they both share certain similarities; Christianity and Judaism are both different religions. It is my pleasure to shed some light on the differences and similarities of both religions’ views on salvation. In this research I will first define salvation in its literal form. Secondly, I will take a closer look into the history and development of both religions and shed further light on how they differ. Finally, I will go on to further compare and contrast both religions and show where they differ and where they are alike. At the end of this research, people will have a greater understanding of both Christianity and Judaism and be able to identify how different they both are. According to Matt Slick, â€Å"Salvation is being saved from the righteous judgment of God upon the sinner.† Most people in the world believe that salvation means being saved from the devil or from themselves, but this is not a fact. Your salvation depends on the judgment God has on you. All who sin against God falls under his judgment, this judgment is known as damnation, and this is where God condemns to eternal hell anyone who has offended him by breaking his law. Matt Slick went further to say, â€Å"This does not mean that God is unfair. It shows that God is holy. God must punish the sinner. But, he has provided a way of escape so that people will not face his righteous judgment. This means that God is both holy and loving. He must manifest each quality equally. So being saved from the wrath of God is called salvation.† The bible states that salvation is found in Jesus and only in him, who is also known as God in flesh and also who died for our sins and rose from t he dead. 1 Cor. 15: 1-4 says, â€Å"Now I make known to you, brethren, the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received in which also you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast the word I preached to you, unless you believe in vain. For delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.† All of us have sinned against God and deserve judgment. But Jesus never  sinned ( 1 Pet. 2:22). It is through Jesus we all gain salvation based on evidence in the scriptures and this is how salvation works. To define it simply, Christianity is one of the world’s major monotheistic religions. Christians believe in Jesus Christ and follow his teachings. they believe Jesus is God’s own son, sent by God to become human. As the son of God, Jesus is divine, but he was also a human being who lived among us on earth, over 2,000 years ago. Followers of Jesus are part of God’s people, whose heritage includes the Jewish people and the Christian Church throughout the world today. Christianity strongly supports salvation and everything it stands for. According to Patheos Library, an online religious community, â€Å"Christianity developed out of Judaism in the 1st century C.E. It is formed on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and those who follow him are called Christians.† Christianity’s origin came out of Palestine and they believe in God (Trinity), which means God in three forms, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The publication posted on Patheos Library went further to state, â€Å"Christianity has many different branches and forms with accompanying variety in beliefs and practices. The three major branches of Christianity are Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism, with numerous subcategories within each of these branches.† It was not until the latter part of the 20th century that most adherents of Christianity were in the west, even though it had spread to every continent and is now the largest religion in the world today. The traditional Christian beliefs include the belief in the one and only true god, who is one being and exist as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Christianity also believes in Jesus as the divine and human Messiah who was sent here on earth to live and dwell with man and save the world from sin. The Christian church has many ethics that governs the activities of the church and aid in ensuring that its members walk in the correct path and grows closer in faith and closer to God. The Christian church ethics stands firm against abortion and believes this practice is of the devil. Christianity also disagrees with same sex marriage as well, based on the fact that in creation, God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. This has been a very controversial topic for many years, as many do believe that same  sex marriage should be accepted as human rights activist backs up this claim. There has been not one case in the bible where same sex marriage or same sex relationships were encouraged or practiced freely, and it’s based on this that Christians do not believe in the practice. A brief look into the culture of Judaism should shed some light on the culture and help persons to differentiate better. According to,, â€Å"Judaism is the religious culture of the Jewish People and is one of the world’s oldest religions. Judaism makes up the cultural system of Jewish law, custom, and practice of the whole individual and community. It is a system in which everyone is under God’s rule. Judaism originated in the Middle East and has spread throughout all parts of the world because of both voluntary migrations and forced exile or expulsions. The total world Jewish population is about 15 million, most of whom live in the United States, Israel, and the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republic.† A very important topic when discussing faith in Jewish text is that of Romans in the New Testament. A 20th century western definition of faith is often used to support theologies that claim to be based on the Hebrew Scriptures. For instance, within modern Christianity there is a range of belief regarding faith. The idea that faith is totally separated from â€Å"works† based on verses such as Ephesians 2:8-9 and Romans 3:28 and others taught by some protestants. Also the idea that works must be performed to â€Å"earn salvation.† According to,, an online publication, â€Å"When dealing with the texts of the â€Å"New Testament,† the English language word â€Å"faith† must be interpreted in the Hebrew context it was originally conceived in by the author. As such, the word â€Å"trust† may be a better one to use, at it conveys a combination of belief and action.† The Jewish view of faith, including that of Paul, is established in ideas such as, â€Å"Faith is active and includes the â€Å"works† of following Torah. The foundational statement of faith in Judaism is the â€Å"Shema,† from Deuteronomy 6:4. The term â€Å"hear† (as in â€Å"Hear O Israel †¦Ã¢â‚¬ , means t_o hear and respond obediently._ Faith and obedience are  woven together. This is clearly reflected in the words of Yeshua, Paul and James.† According to, Ariela Pelaia, â€Å"Judaism is a monotheistic faith, meaning that Jews believe there is only One God. Often this God is beyond our ability to comprehend, but God is nevertheless present in our everyday lives. How individual Jews choose to understand this manifestation of the divine varies. Some connect with God through prayer, others see the divine in the majesty of the natural world, others may not think about God on a daily basis. Each individual’s relationship with God is unique and personal.† The Jewish religion teaches that everyone, whether Jewish or non-Jewish, is created â€Å"b’tzelem Elohim,† which is Hebrew for â€Å"in the image of God.† It is with this reason every person is equally important and has an infinite potential to do good in the world. The Jewish community also believes that Jews are uniquely connected with each other, regardless of where they live in this world. The Torah is Judaism’s most important text. It contains stories and commandments that teach us about life and death. It contains the 10 Commandments as well as the 613 commandments (mitzvot). All Jews consider the 10 Commandments to be the most important commandments in the Torah, though not all Jews adhere to the 613 mitzvot (one of the main differences between the different branches of Judaism). The Torah also tells us that the Land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael) was apart of the covenant made between God and the Jewish people on Mount Sinai. Even though Judaism and Christianity have a lot in common, they do both share some major differences that clearly set them apart. Traditionally, Jews recite prayers three times daily, with a fourth prayer added on Shabbat and holidays. Most of the prayers in a traditional Jewish service can be said in solitary prayer, although communal prayer is preferred. Jews also have certain religious clothing which a traditional Jew wears. Christians believe that all people should strive to follow Christ’s commands and example in their everyday actions. For many, this includes obedience to the Ten Commandments. Other Christian practices include acts of piety such as prayer and Bible reading. Christians assemble for communal worship on Sunday, the day of the resurrection, though other liturgical practices often occur outside this setting. Scripture readings are drawn from the Old and New  Testaments, but especially the Gospels. The place of origin for Christianity is Jerusalem while Judaism reigns from out of Israel and Christianity believes in Jesus Christ as founder and messiah, and for Judaism its Abraham, Moses. Christian practices includes, Prayers, Sacraments, worshipping in Church, reading the Holy Bible, acts of charity, Communion-partaking in the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, under the appearance of Bread and Wine. The practices of Judaism differs in that, Orthodox Jews recite prayers 3 times daily, with a fourth prayer added on Shabbat and holidays. Shacarit prayer in the morning, Mincha in the afternoon, Arvit at night. Musaf is an extra Shabbat service. When it comes down to the source of scripture, Christianity uses the Holy Bible, a collection of canonical books in two parts (Old and New Testament). For Judaism it’s the Tanakh (Jewish Bible), Torah. When it comes down to life after death, the Christian view of this is that Man is appointed to die once, and after that come judgment. Those that are redeemed, live on in Heaven, those that rejected God suffer for eternity in Hell, while Jews believes in a World to come, Reincarnation (some groups); temporal suffering in Hell; eventual return to Paradise(Garden of Eden), unifying with God Works Cited (Spain, Islands, Arab countries, Turkey) Ashkenaz (Central/Eastern Europe, Germany, France) Greek, MIzrachi: Jemen, Conservative, Reconstructionist, and Reform. â€Å"Christianity vs Judaism – Difference and Comparison | Diffen.† Diffen – Compare Anything. Diffen. Discern. Decide.. N.p., 11 Apr. 2012. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. . BBC Religion . â€Å"BBC – Religion: Christianity.† BBC – Homepage. N.p., 21 Jan. 1013. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. . Books Of Romans. â€Å"Jewish views of salvation, faith and freedom.† YashaNet HomePage. N.p., 23 Apr. 2010. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. . Krell, Marc. â€Å"Afterlife and Salvation.† Patheos | Hosting the Conversation on Faith. N.p., 22 Oct. 2009. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. . ORACLE. â€Å"Judaism: Introduction.† ThinkQuest : Library. N.p., 31 Dec. 2008. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. . Religion Facts. â€Å"Comparison Chart: Christianity vs. Judaism – ReligionFacts.† Religion, World Religions, Comparative Religion – Just the facts on the world’s religions.. N.p., 19 June 2009. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. . Religion Facts. â€Å"Christian Salvation – ReligionFacts.† Religion, World Religions, Comparative Religion – Just the facts on the world’s religions.. N.p., 12 Sept. 2009. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. . Slick, Matt. â€Å"What is salvation? | Discuss what is salvation. | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry.† CARM – Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry. N.p., 13 Feb. 2010. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. . iconoclasms, zantine. â€Å"History of Christianity – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.† Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., 23 Nov. 2011. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. .

Friday, January 10, 2020

Business Btec

Definition of marketing is the management process through which goods and services move from concept to the customer. For example, new Apple products are developed to include improved applications and systems, are set at different prices depending on how much capability the customer desires, and are sold in places where other Apple products are sold.Marketing is based on thinking about the business in terms of customer needs and their satisfaction. The overall concept of marketing is a management philosophy according to which a irm's goals can be best achieved through identification and satisfaction of the customers stated and unstated needs and wants. Companies should identify the needs of their customer and produce products and services to satisfy those needs.The production concept is a philosophy that consumers will favour products and services that are widely available and highly affordable and that management should therefore focus on improving production and distribution effici ency this is relevant to Nike as they do this with small products cheaper products such as accessories and ports equipment relying on economies of scale to make profit on products that are priced cheaper.Private sector can be explained as a business owned by private individual or groups and there main aims and objective and one of those objectives is to make a profit, and growth mean that they can -maximise their profits by reinvesting in the business. The main aim of a private sector business is survival as they want the business to last and not go bust. The main aim and objectives of my two business which are Apple and Nike theirs is to remain marketing leader in there industry.Public sector is part of an economy that is controlled by the government and is not run for profit such as schools and hospitals. The Voluntary sector is part of the economy that consists of non-profit making organisation such as charities and is run by volunteers. The public sector and voluntary measure th eir progress not by profits but with other factors such as service provision, growth of range of provisions, cost limitations and meeting quality.Service provision the act of performing a task for a business or person that wants or requires it in exchange for acceptable ompensation. A business that using service provision needs high quality trained staff such as the fire department that are available to preform what is need of them in a situation and doing the Job to the best they can. Growth of range of provisions is the number of services a public or voluntary sector do and the quality they do such a school offering extra courses things such as after school clubs to helps the student's and develop.Cost limitation is used to see if the businesses have used the funds they have at had adequately as for public sector organisations such as school hey will need to distribute the money they receive to get the best out of there students. Meeting quality standards are used in the public an d voluntary sector as for hospitals they rely on this as lives are in danger and will need to provide a standard to the people seeking help.Marketing objectives the group of goals set by a business when promoting its products or services to potential consumers that objectives may be based on factors other than survival and growth. Market leadership is the position of a company with the largest market share or highest profitability margin in a given market for goods and services. Market share may be measured by either the volume of goods sold or the value of those goods. This links both to Nike and Apple as they are the market leaders in the given markets.Brand awareness is the likelihood that consumers recognise the presence and availability of a company's product or service. Creating brand awareness is one of the key steps in promoting a product both for Nike and Apple they do this very well as they are recognised globally plus have such iconic logos that are easily recognisable. P erception of customers is a marketing concept that encompasses customer's impression awareness and/or consciousness about a company or its offerings.Customer perception is typically affected by advertising, reviews, public relations, social media, personal experiences and other channels. Ansoff was known best for developing a strategies he Identified as the four categories for growing and the categories are market penetration, marketing development, product development and diversification. Market penetration the activity or fact of increasing the market share of an existing product, or promoting a new product, through strategies such s bundling, advertising, lower prices, or volume discounts.Marketing development is the act of increasing the total market served by a company by finding new customers and markets, or providing new products to existing customers and markets. An example of this for Nike is their sports clothes and trainers are always developing and coming out with new id eas. Product development this strategy entails finding new markets for existing products. Market research and further segmentation of markets helps to identify new groups of customers. An example for Nike is producing a new winter line or a new product or material such as Dri-fit.Diversification this involves moving new products into new markets at the same time. It is the most risky strategy. The more an organisation moves away from what it has done in the past the more uncertainties are created. However, if existing activities are threatened, diversification helps to spread risk. Survival strategies are used by many businesses as they are faced with having to develop there strategies to survive such as economising the business to reduce expenses. This would lead to the business being less profitable and have a smaller market impact and awareness.In business a rand is a unique design, sign, symbol, words, or a combination of these, employed in creating an image that identifies a pr oduct and differentiates it from its competitors making it stand out and easy to remember. The process involved in creating a unique name and image for a product in the consumers mind, mainly through advertising campaigns with a consistent theme. Branding is used by both businesses as they have brand name, a logo and a slogan. They are both such powerful brands worldwide. They both have brand extension and are always looking to keep brand building as well as both do brand extension.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Crime Without Fire And Smoke White Collar Crime

Crime without fire and smoke: White-collar crime In modern society, the authority of police becomes more powerful and there are a lot of new laws issued to restrict personal behaviors, which brings a more peaceful community to the public. Indeed, the incidences of horrible crimes such as robbery, kidnapping and murder decrease, partially because of the better living condition. However, some other types of crimes have emerged recently. These new crimes are endangering the fairness and operation of society. White-collar crime is a new type crime which is less horrible than crimes such as robbery, but it is a serious threat to ethical standards of the society and people’s life. To prevent the occurrence of white-collar crime, it is necessary†¦show more content†¦The dominant traits include personalities such as positive extrovert and neurotic. People who are positive extrovert are usually spontaneous and egocentric. These people usually take actions to fight for their own needs. They have low degrees of self-control, s o they cannot resist the temptation when money collides with morality. People who are neurotic have low self-esteem and need others to give them sense of security. When these people cannot feel security from the working condition, they make take extreme actions to create â€Å"security† for themselves, such as committing embezzlement. Other personalities such as narcissism, conscientiousness and hedonism can also be categorized into dominant traits causing white-collar crimes, but these personalities have different influences on different people. Statistical researches show that the influences of these personalities are related to gender (Blickle et al, 2006). The occurrence of white-collar crimes are also related to individual’s sense of integrity, and a lack of sense of integrity can immure a person in a cycle of resentment, shame and inauthenticity (Naso, 2012). There is not a comprehensive and direct solution to the personality problem in white-collar crimes. What corporations can do is to use the professional education in the organizations to improve the sense of integrity and take actions to decrease theShow MoreRelatedSocial Structure Of A Social Institution3100 Words   |  13 Pagesseverity to warrant disapproval from the majority of society. Deviance can be criminal or non†criminal. The sociological field of study that deals with crime (behavior that violates laws) is a criminology (also recognized as criminal justice). Today, Americans view such activities as alcoholism, excessive play, being naked in public places, playing with fire, stealing, lying, turning down to bathe, purchasing the services of prostitutes, and cross†dressing—to mention but a few—as deviant. People who engageRead MoreSecurity and Loss Prevention Management7663 Words   |  31 Pagesmanaged aspects of small business operation is security and loss prevention. 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